Tao Chen

Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D., Genetics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
M.S., Botany, Sun Yat-sen University
B.S., Bioengineering, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University

E-mail: chent263@mail.sysu.edu.cn

Research and Scholarly Interests

1. Biological function of DNA methylation 6mA; 2. Single cell sequencing.


Authors from the Luo Lab are marked with ^, first authors marked with #, and corresponding authors marked with *.

Chen, L. Q.#^, Zhang, Z.#^, Chen, H. X.^, Xi, J. F.^, Liu, X. H.^, Ma, D. Z.^, Zhong, Y. H.^, Ng, W. H.^, Chen, T.^, Mak, D. W., Chen, Q., Chen, Y. Q. and Luo, G. Z.*^(2022). High-precision mapping reveals rare N6-deoxyadenosine methylation in the mammalian genome. Cell Discovery, 8(1), 1-11.
PMID: 36575183 DOI: 10.1038/s41421-022-00484-1

Zhang, Z.#^, Chen, T.#^, Chen, H. X.^, Xie, Y. Y.^, Chen, L. Q.^, Zhao, Y. L.^, Liu, B. D.^, Jin, L., Zhang, W., Liu, C., Ma, D. Z.^, Chai, G. S.^, Zhang, Y.^, Zhao, W. S.^, Ng, W. H., Chen, J., Jia, G., Yang, J. and Luo, G. Z.*^ (2021). Systematic calibration of epitranscriptomic maps using a synthetic modification-free RNA library. Nat Methods 18, 1213-1222.
PMID: 34594034 DOI: 10.1038/s41592-021-01280-7

Chen, T.#^, Li, Y.#^, Ma, D.Z.^, Zhang, Z.^, Xi, J.F.^, and Luo, G.Z.* (2021). Establishment of Transposase-assisted Low-input m(6)A Sequencing Technique. J Genet Genomics.
PMID: 34474182 DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.08.007


Luo, X#, T. Chen#^, X. Zeng, D. He and Y. He* (2019). "Feedback Regulation of FLC by FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and FD through a 5' FLC Promoter Region in Arabidopsis." Mol Plant 12(3): 285-288.

He Y.#, Chen T.^, and Zeng X.* (2020). Genetic and Epigenetic Understanding of the Seasonal Timing of Flowering. Plant Comm. 1, 100008